Monday, July 31, 2006

Sow Justice, Reap Peace

Stop the US financial, diplomatic, and military
support for Israel that fuels the violence

Here's how:

Break the Zionist grip on the local Peace Movement:

Tell the leaders of the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice (ICPJ) to:
  1. Remember the first principle of interfaith unity—adherence to an ethic that shuns violence and demands justice;
  2. Develop "a campaign ... to encourage the [US] government to end its complicity in ... violations of human rights by suspending its military aid and arms sales to Israel, and to divest ... from all companies that manufacture or sell arms and other military hardware to Israel" as pledged in the ICPJ's resolution of May 13, 2003; and,
  3. Lift their restrictions on the ICPJ's Middle East Task Force.
Tell the leaders of Michigan Peaceworks to:
  1. Make Peaceworks a truly grassroots organization with a membership empowered to actively participate in Peaceworks' decision-making process; and,
  2. Publicly acknowledge, and apologize for, the mistreatment of Teresa Al-Saraji and the physical assault committed by then-Peaceworks President Eric Van De Vort.
Tell Michigan Peaceworks and the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice to endorse Palestinian civil society's July 9, 2005, call for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions against Israel and in support of:
  1. Full equality for Arab and other non-Jewish citizens of Israel;
  2. An end to the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem, Gaza, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights; and,
  3. The return of Palestinian refugees to their homes and property in accordance with UN General Assembly Resolution 194.

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